Tag Archive for: participation; models of participatory processes; public space

Public spaces, constituting the skeleton on which the city is built, are an area of interest of various actors – residents, NGOs, local entrepreneurs, officials and numerous organisations. Therefore, it is justified to include all of the interested actors into the process of its planning and design. The question is – how to conduct that cooperation and who should be included into that process?_x000D_
The aim of the work was to analyse participatory processes used to create high-quality urban public spaces. In the chosen cases, the cooperation between various actors was analysed, the principles of such cooperation were defined and the characteristics of models of participatory processes used in the planning and design of contemporary public spaces with the participation of various actors were developed. In addition, the role of various stakeholder groups in shaping contemporary public spaces was defined, taking into account the roles of process coordinators and mediators._x000D_
The conducted literature and empirical research of examples from Poland, Europe and North America allowed for the compilation of models – strategies of conducting participatory processes taking into account the roles of individual participants. In addition, the existing models of conducting the process of public participation in the planning and design of urban public spaces, developed by other researchers and practitioners of participation, were analysed. All of the models – strategies of participatory process were illustrated according to the author’s method. As a result, they gained a comparable form and made it possible to draw conclusions._x000D_
The research showed how diverse the participatory processes are and how many ways one can reach the same goal – the high-quality public space create thanks to cooperation between various actors. In addition, the results had an application dimension and allowed to determine the paths of action for initiators of changes – officials, residents, activists or NGOs.

Marta Popaszkiewicz
University of Gdansk / Warsaw University of Technology

ID Abstract: 585