Tag Archive for: Teaching Orientations; Futures thinking; Higher order thinking

The Anthropocene and climate crisis requires (among others) abilities to think longer term, to imagine futures, to distinguish probable and preferable futures, to apply multiple perspectives to (sustainability) issues and make trade-offs. Geography education can help young people to develop these capabilities. However, futures orientations in geography education still seem to be limited, due to for example curriculum restraints, absence in teacher education and lack of teachers knowledge and experiences. In a comparative study we interviewed 30 Dutch and 20 German upper secondary teachers about their teaching orientations (as part of their PCK) and the type of tasks they set while teaching the global food issue. A considerable number of teachers in both contexts show an orientation aiming at futures and sustainability oriented thinking and problem solving skills. These teachers tend to use more higher order thinking tasks in their lessons. Although the curriculum and central examination context do influence the type of task setting. During this presentation we will identify in greater detail the type of task setting, the intended powerful knowledge and the related argumentation by teachers, in order to get a better and clearer idea on how these teachers already shape their ‘teaching in the Anthropocene’.

Uwe Krause, Tine Béneker
Fontys University of Applied Sciences Tilburg, Utrecht University

ID Abstract: 37