Tag Archive for: territorial accesibility; sustainable tourism; urban systems

Literature in the field of geography takes a particular interest in the mobility of inhabitants and the real and virtual accessibility of territories. More generally, within the social sciences, a new paradigm has developed that understands the World as fluid and always in motion, constantly traversed by mobile practices that determine its complexity. _x000D_
In this context, the contribution aims to reflect on the mobility of visitors within the urban system of Bergamo, in order to show how the presence of numerous transport networks in the area allows some places of interest to configure themselves as nodes of an intermodal network that uses multiple circuits. Specifically, in this context, various transport systems are identified, linked to public, private and green mobility that led to the creation of diversified flows that are not limited to the economic nature of the poles, but are also determined by social and cultural reasons._x000D_
The contribution will propose a reflection on the specificity of the places frequented by the inhabitants, on the mobility nodes and on the role of the Bergamo territory understood as a tourist destination. In particular, starting from an analysis of the connectivity of the Bergamo area, it is intended to envisage a new relationship between the urban area and the more peripheral or marginal areas, which, precisely as a result of the global environmental and pandemic crisis, may become more attractive for forms of sustainable tourism while still requiring new development processes._x000D_

Elisa Consolandi
University of Bergamo

ID Abstract: 963